Scopus (CiteScore 2022 =3.0, Q3) , ISC

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 tudent of Doctoral Program, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java 16424, Indonesia

2 Lecturer of Midwifery Program Study, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ibrahimy, Situbondo, East Java 68374, Indonesia

3 Center for Nutrition and Health Studies, Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Depok, West Java 16424, Indonesia



Rate of early marriage in Indonesia is still high, linear with number of early marriages in Islamic boarding schools (IBS). IBS is the oldest Islamic educational institutions which are dominated by teenagers and half of them are female. The high number of early marriages in IBS indicates that there is still a lack of preparation for family life which can cause health problems to death, psychological, economic and social. This situation is exacerbated by patriarchal practices in IBS which are still very high. The aim of this research was to determine the differences in intentions to prepare family life of female adolescent among types of IBS, namely salafiah, modern, and other forms of IBS (based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 of 2019 concerning IBS). This research is a pilot study in developing interventions to prepare family life of female adolescent in IBS. This research was quantitative with cross sectional design. This pilot study research used a sample of 90 respondents consisting of 30 female adolescent in each type of IBS in East Java Province, Indonesia. The sampling technique using accidental sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire containing the intention of first age to get married, number of children, pregnancy spacing and use of contraception. Data analysis with univariate and bivariate (Kruskal Wallis test). The results of the research show that in general there is no difference in the intention to prepare family life of female adolescent among types of IBS, majority of intention to prepare family life of female adolescent in IBS are in poor category. However, there are differences in the intention of first age to get married and pregnancy spacing. Likewise, there are no significant differences in the intention of number of children and use of contraception.

Graphical Abstract

Intention to prepare family life of female adolescent in Islamic boarding school: a pilot study


Main Subjects

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